Sunday, November 16, 2014

Science Experiment: Blubber Glove

We studied the ocean habitat this week.  We learned that some ocean animals have a thick layer of fat called blubber which helps keep them warm.  For this experiment, students put one bagged hand in a bag of Crisco and squished the Crisco around to cover their hand.  They put the other hand in a plain bag.  They then put both hands in a container of ice water.  I asked them to observe the difference between the temperature of their two hands.  The hand in the Crisco was not as cold as the other hand.  Prior to the experiment I did not tell students why they were putting their hand in Crisco.  I did read them the ingredients in Crisco, the first one is meat fats.  After putting their hands in water, I asked students to connect the experiment to ocean animals.  They concluded that the Crisco acted like blubber and insulated their hands.  We got messy and had fun in the process.  Here are some pictures.  I have cute videos of the kids talking about what they learned, but....they are side ways and I haven't figured out how to turn them!

I love Jozey's face in this picture!

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