Sunday, January 11, 2015


I cannot believe it has been almost 2 months since I posted anything.  I hope everyone had a relaxing break and that 2015 is off to a great start!

The most exciting news to share is that our classroom has gained 4 computers for students to use.  These computers came from the high school computer lab.  I also had a Donors Choose project funded.  From this project our classroom received ten high quality headphones and an audio hub.  The audio hub will allow up to 6 students to listen to the iPad at once.  They will be able to listen to texts read to them.

We spent most of December learning about Polar Regions -- the Arctic and the Antarctic.  We learned about the differences between the two areas and how animals survive in them.

The kids did a great job with the Christmas program.  They looked so nice, too!

The students earned December's class compliment celebration -- a popcorn party!  I was one of four staff members who volunteered to pop popcorn for the school. It gave our microwave quite a workout

The students worked really hard on Christmas present for their parents/grandparents.  We hope you liked them!

Two days before break we had a hot chocolate reading party.  I put a video of a fireplace on our promethean board.  We turned the lights off and students read while enjoying their hot chocolate.

The students had a lot of fun decorating cookies during their Christmas party.  

The staff had an Ugly Sweater Contest that day.  Mr. Strauman tied for first place. He had ornaments in his beard!

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