Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rainforest Research

We spent one week studying the rainforest.  Student learned what made an area a rainforest.  They learned about the 4 layers of the rainforest.  They learned why rainforests are being destroyed and why rainforests are important.  The next week, students were given Chromebooks, a list of websites, a list of rainforest animals and time to explore.  After a while, each student picked one animal he/she wanted to research.  Students had several questions to answer about their animal -- what it looks like, how big it is, what it eats, how it survives in its environment, etc.  They set off to find the information.  Students did a great job independently finding the answers to their questions.  The next step was to create a poster which gave the highlights of what they found while researching.  Then, students wrote a paragraph about their animal.  Finally, students gave a short presentation about their animal using their posters as a guide.  Posters will be coming home in a few weeks.

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